Introducing The Healthcare Hoagie 🥪

Welcome to The Healthcare Hoagie 🥪, Nabla's crispy TL;DR sandwich of the latest in healthcare news and trends.

What’s Inside?

Every other Tuesday, we'll (reasonably) stuff your inbox with:

💡 Recent Happenings: The lowdown on the latest healthcare developments, served fresh.

🔎 Deep Dives: The secret sauce of health systems that are thriving against all odds.

🗞️ Neat News: A handpicked selection of news stories because the world doesn't have to be that bleak.

🧼 Clean Content: Tidbits that made us pause and ponder, "That's pretty sharp!"

💬 Expert Insights: Wisdom from healthcare mavens on financing, regulation, and everything in between, demystifying the industry's intricacies.

Why Subscribe?

The Healthcare Hoagie 🥪 was born from two epiphanies:

  • Navigating healthcare info can be as torturous as peeling endless layers of a very smelly, tear-inducing onion.

  • There's an untapped reservoir of humor in healthcare.

Our goal? To blend these insights into a digestible, delightful, and occasionally humorous experience.

Come join us on Substack!



Subscribe to The Healthcare Hoagie 🥪

Your crispy TL;DR sandwich of news and trends for all things healthcare


Nabla is the developer of Nabla Copilot, the fastest autonomous clinical AI scribe that helps clinicians enjoy care again.
Research communications officer by day and history of medicine buff by night. Fond of pine trees, Terry Pratchett novels, and crafting elaborate backstories for the people in line at the coffee shop.